How To Build A Children's Ministry

From The Ground Up

Are you looking for a course to help you build a Children's Ministry? I'm launching a 12 Module Course for to help those get started.

With over 40 years of experience, I specialize in empowering church leaders to establish thriving ministries to children. Through the "How to Build a Children’s Ministry From The Ground Up" course, you'll receive mentorship for success and know how to avoid the mistakes that I made. Upon completion, you'll possess the skills to build a strong volunteer team and guide children on their spiritual journey.

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What Our Students Are Saying:

I enrolled on April 8, 2024, in the Lamplight Academy, online school and mentorship for kid’s pastors and children’s ministry leaders entitled, 'Building a kid’s ministry from the ground up'. I am so blessed and thankful that Mark Harper has taken his time, wisdom and experiences to invest in present and future kid’s ministry ministers and children’s leaders.
Pastor Harper begins by sharing the importance of having 'the call' and 'a vision' from God which leads to 'begin with the end in mind'.

Upon completion of the school, I have gained knowledge and skills on how to guide, teach through the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit children’s supernatural spiritual journey, and how to build a successful volunteer team which is essential to the ministry coming from Mark’s years of an hands-on-experiences to learn and avoid from his mistakes, choosing curriculum and much more.

I’m anxiously looking forward to enrolling in the next school to receive more of Mark Harper’s words of encouragement, his knowledge and experiences on kid’s ministry." 

- Gloria H.