Life Of

A Man After God's Own Heart.

YES! I want the Life Of David curriculum!

What is Life Of David?

  • Lesson 1 covers David’s prayer life as a young boy watching sheep and how that laid the foundation for his life.
  • Lesson 2 discusses Samuel's anointing of David as the new king. God was looking for a man after his heart, and he found young David.
  • Lesson 3 talks about how David’s close relationship with God gave him the courage to fight Goliath. We talk about how courage is not the absence of fear but having the confidence to do something you are afraid to do.
  • Lesson 4 is when David played the harp for King Saul, and the demons left. The devil doesn’t like it when kids learn to worship God.
  • Lesson 5 is about King Saul's desire to kill David. When David was homeless and living in a cave, he had a chance to kill Saul and become king himself. David made the right choice. He spared Saul’s life and surrendered his life to the will of God.
  • Lesson 6 is a culmination of the curriculum. We told the story about how David brought the Ark of God to Jerusalem and danced before the Lord with all of his might. We also discuss how we must lay aside our dignity (pride) and worship as David did.
Order the LIFE OF DAVID curriculum Here!

What's In The Curriculum?

Large Group Curriculum

Large Group Lesson Slides

Small Group Curriculum

Home Discipleship

ORDER the LIFE OF DAVID curriculum HERE!

About Mark Harper

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