Practical daily life applications are spot on!
“As a kids and youth pastor, I am grateful for the tools given by this curriculum, bringing the truth of God’s Word to the kids. The practical daily life applications are spot on! The parents are amazed at the knowledge and understanding that their children receive. Thank you Super Church, I look forward to using more of your curriculum.”
- Roxanne H.
"Kinder Church 2.0 is AMAZING!"
"We have tried several preschool curriculum options and even wrote our own, but this has been my favorite so far. One of my favorite things about Kinder Church is the heart to develop children's ministers, not just children, by giving tips for teaching preschoolers. Each lesson teaches the main idea in several different ways to help our littles remember the Word, and since our teachers rotate, it very easy for them to jump in and teach with these lessons. I look forward to using more of the KinderChurch 2.0."
-Sheree W
We highly recommend Super Church 2.0!"
"I serve as the Children's Pastor at People's Church in Sri Lanka and on an average we used to minister to approximately 1000 kids from three language groups on a Sunday. We will use this curriculum to reach not only our kids, but the larger group of kids in our Nation."
- Anna M.
"What a great Preschool Curriculum!"
" Our children and parents are loving it and learning so much. Kinder Church 2.0 is easy for our Teachers to teach and very thorough in giving instruction on "how to". The children are going home REMEMBERING what they are learning because it is repetitive and FUN! Every aspect goes back to the same point, which is very helpful for Preschoolers. We are using the social media parts also and our parents in their 20's & 30's really love this part as it helps to remind them to reinforce at home, what has been taught in the classroom."
-Linda R.
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